MOTIF Required Model Information


It is very important that the models used for the MOTIF project and the way the experimental design requirements were actually followed are carefully documented! This will be useful for future reference and for people not familiar with the available models.

Model documentation

Description of your experiments

The experiments are either OA or OAV simulations, with GCMs or EMICs. You have to make sure to use the correct MOTIF boundary conditions requirements, especially:

We will be more flexible for the trace gases, and the options listed below (that we have heard about) are acceptable:

Since the coupled simulations are quite heavy to run, we will accept experiments performed with these trace gases option, but we ask the groups that do not strictly use MOTIF boundary conditions to run additional short simulations in order to check that the differences with MOTIF experimental design do not lead to artefacts in the model results. This may depend on the sensitivity of the models.

Because several problems were found when defining river runoff at LGM, each group chose its own solution for the river scheme at LGM. We also need you to document this!

We did not prescribe any best solution to perform model spin-up, so please don’t forget to document what you did for all time periods.

List also the problems you had to face when running the experiments, and any problems/limitations/remarks that people who will use your data should be aware of...

In order to make sure that you provide all the needed information, we suggest that you follow what is detailed in the MOTIF Boundary Conditions page and replace what is required by what you have actually done... for each time period.

Analysis of basic trends

We know that the coupled models can exhibit trends, and since some of the GCM simulations will be quite short compared to the adjustment time of the ocean, drift can be still present at depth in the simulations. It is therefore important that we can easily have a quick look at these trends in the different models. Please provide a text file and plots with the following information:

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